Keynote PD Dr. Norbert Marwan

Recurrence analysis for complex systems


Recurrence is a ubiquitous and fundamental feature in many real-world processes. The study of recurrence properties (such as frequency analysis) can provide deeper insights into the dynamical processes in general. A rather novel approach for the study of recurrences is the framework based on recurrence plots and their quantification, rooted in the theory of dynamical systems. This talk will introduce the basic concepts and major extensions applicable to various research questions. Discussed examples include the temporal change of recurrence properties for identification of regime shifts; spatio-temporal recurrences for classification tasks; and bivariate extensions for synchronization/coupling analysis. Methodological and numerical challenges and pitfalls will also be discussed.


PD Dr. Norbert Marwan is a trained skilled worker in geology. He studied theoretical physics and nonlinear dynamics at Dresden University of Technology and completed his PhD in Theoretical Physics at University of Potsdam. He is currently the deputy head of department “Complex systems” at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Privatdozent, Institute of Geoscience and Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam. He is working in the field of nonlinear data analysis.

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